Karen Brook of Trees Forever writes this: Trees Forever and Alliant Energy are planning a tree planting this fall at the bike trail parking lot which is located near the corner of Collins Rd. and Center Point Rd. It’s part of our We Dig Year District planting program, which involves a tree planting in each of the city’s 5 districts. Dave Kramer of the Parks Department is enthusiastic about the project and I plan to meet with him soon to create a planting plan. City Councilman Tom Podzimek suggested the idea of planting there, and District 1 Councilman Kris Gulick is also supportive. I thought that your organization might like to have a role in the planting since the planting has a trails focus and should make the parking lot a much more appealing place for trail users to park. We could use volunteers to help plant on the day of the event (which hasn’t been set yet) and would welcome input on the project. "